Aug 25, 2022
Hello and welcome to another episode of the podcast - I’ve been thinking about thriving lately in our work as cooks, writers, and aspiring cookbook authors. Did you know anyone can aspire to write a cookbook? Yes, anyone. In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about how to thrive as an aspiring cookbook author...
Aug 18, 2022
Hello and welcome to another episode of the podcast - I recently had the opportunity to visit an HMart. I walked up and down each aisle taking in the sights and smells offered from the produce department to the aisles filled with Kewpie mayonnaise and multiple brands of gochujang any number of noodles and cuts...
Aug 11, 2022
Hello and welcome to another episode of the podcast - I recently did some research on culinary and cookery book stores for my students inside my cookbook writers group coaching program. I found such great stores, I wanted to share this list with you today. I may have missed some stores, so if I did feel free to reach...
Aug 4, 2022
Hello and welcome to another episode of the podcast - excited to be here to talk about cookbook publishing entitlement and expectations.. We often come to the table of publishing with expectations about how a publisher should act or react to what we send to them. We feel entitled to them responding or replying in a...