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Cookbook Love Podcast

Jun 25, 2020

Today on the podcast I’m excited to continue our Behind The Scenes of a Cookbook Series with Cynthia Nims.  Cynthia is a Cookbook Author, Freelance Food and Travel Writer, and former managing editor of Simply Seafood magazine. Cynthia believes that there’s a great deal of value in a well-written recipe. Beyond a reliable outcome, solid recipes build trust in the cookbook author and reflect their source. Today on the podcast we discuss various tips for writing better recipes with everything from drafting the recipes before you test them, to ensuring that as a recipe writer you communicate to the user where you make mistakes or run into problems with a recipe, thus helping them overcome possibly making the same mistake.

Things We Mention In This Episode:

Connect with Cynthia on her website Mon Appetit

Download a copy of the Cookbook Publishing Roadmap

Apply for next session of Hungry For a Cookbook Mastermind Group

Please join our Confident Cookbook Writer Facebook Group