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Cookbook Love Podcast

Dec 14, 2023

Welcome to the latest episode of the podcast. I’m excited to be here today with Katie Jacobs. Katie is a fourth-generation Nashville native author, stylist, and photographer. She is the creator and art director at Styling My Everyday a food and lifestyle blog. Today on the podcast we talk about Katie’s new book The Chocolate Chip Cookie Book, her journey to write a cookbook with a narrow concept, tips for how she balances her work with being a mom of 3, her advice for aspiring cookbook writers and the way she kept everything organized as she was working on this most recent book. 

Things We Mention In This Episode:

Learn How to Get Paid to Write a Cookbook

Styling My Everyday website

Follow Katie Jacobs - Nashville on Instagram

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Book 

Food Lab by J. Kenji Lopez Alt: Better Home Cooking Through Science